• Guidelines and Format IASG BURSARY Program (during national conference of IASG)
    Full Day

    Eligible: All postgraduate students / research scholars (MD/MS/DNB/MCh/PhD), GI Surgery and related specialties. Preference will be given to

    • MCh/DNB GI Surgery Residents
    • Sophomores rather than final year residents
    • IASG Member (Only DNB/MCh GI surgery residents are eligibile to become members)

    Should not have received the bursary award in the past.
    Number of places: Thirty (30)

    Last date:  31 May

    Application Process:

    • Should apply after the announcement of Bursary Program (1st January) and before the last date
    • Should apply in the application form downloadable at IASG Website.
    • Must submit an abstract for IASGCON. If the abstract is a case report or a video presentation it is least likely to get selected.
    • Must register for the conference (Registration fee will be reimbursed to the selected candidates if they attend the whole program–conference and bursary)
    • Must submit a brief write up 250 words on why she/he wishes to participate in the program.
    • DNB/MCh GI Surgery Residents, preferably should become members of IASG

    Selection Process:

    • Selection will be based on independent marking of the write up and the quality of the abstract submitted by 3-4 peer reviewers.
    • If more than 2 slots are going to a single institution, then the selection process will be moderated so that preferably there are not more than 2 awardees from a single institution.
    • Preference:

      • GI Surgery Residents (MCh or DNB)
      • Sophomores
      • Members of IASG
    • Education Committees Decision is Final
    • Selection will be finalized and communicated to the applicants and the selected list will be put up on the website.
    • Selected Awardees should send a demand draft amount of Rs 5000/- as caution deposit, payable to INDIAN ASSOCIATION OF SURGICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY (IASG), (NOT to the Organising Secretary) so as to reach the Secretary IASG, Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery and Liver Transplantation, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 110029 (….NOT Organising Secretariat) before the due date.
    • Write your name behind the DD for easy identification. In addition, send an electronic copy (Scan) as an attachment to the Secretary IASG by email (iasgsecy@gmail.com). Defaulters will forego their bursary award and the award will be given to the next candidate in waiting.
    • Drafts will be returned to those candidates attending the bursary program by the Secretary, IASG along with reimbursement of Registration Fee, during IASGCON at the time of awarding the Bursary Certificates.
    • Selectors: IASG Education Committee

    Entitlements: (Final entitlements and program of the Bursary would be decided by the Education Committee, each year)

    • Bursary awardees will be provided tickets from their place of work (by air or train as applicable) to the conference city and accommodation during the period of the conference, along with complimentary registration. (They will be expected to be present throughout the duration of the conference.) The travel will be organized by the IASG Education Committee by the least expensive mode and dates and timings will be at the discretion of the IASG Education Committee. Requests for changes will not be ordinarily accepted. No reimbursement will be given for travel booked directly by the awardees.
    • Visit to one or two GI Surgery centres in the city where the Conference is being held will be organized (subject to logistic considerations). No exam format case discussions will be conducted. The program will have a mix of discussion/description of a technique, a case capsule to be run by local residents and bursary awardees, a session on a non-surgical topic, a paper critiquing session and a mentorship session as well as a visit to some special areas of that centre.
    • Bursary award certificates will be given to those who attended the bursary at the end of the conference along with a group photograph. The group photograph will be taken at the morning coffee break during the bursary program. The certificates will be given to only the candidate.

    Commitment from Awardees:

    • All awardees who are MCh/DNB GI Surgery Residents should become members of IASG before Bursary. (This is not applicable for MS Gen. Surg. and MCh/DNB residents from specialities other than GI Surgery)
    • All awardees will have to attend the bursary day program as well as the rest of the conference.
    • The awardees have to submit the report in electronic form not more than 300 words to the Secretary, IASG within 48 hours after completing the bursary. The refund of the registration fee will be made only on receipt of the report. An archive of the reports will be uploaded to the website after editing by the IASG bursary committee.

    Disciplinary Action:

    • If the Bursary awardees do not attend after confirmation (without valid reason to the satisfaction of Education Committee) will forfeit the Caution deposit amount of Rs 5000/- and Registration fee will not be reimbursed.
    • If the awardees are found to be absent during bursary session or in the conference (without a valid reason to the satisfaction of Education Committee) will forfeit the Caution Deposit amount of Rs 5000/- and the Conference Registration amount will not be refunded. The same will be communicated to the defaulters, Head of the Department by the Education Committee.

    Program Outline:

    • Visit to 2 centres in the city; preferably one public and one private centre. Purpose of visit should be to see work processes in different environments. Also exposure to a disease or treatment or a surgical procedure in which that centre excels or has a large experience.
    • One technique: 1 hour session
    • One case capsule: 1 hour session; Run by residents of the local centre(s), panelists: bursary awardees, 2-3 faculty in front row for critical comments
    • One non-surgical topic: 1 hour session, One mentorship session: 1 hour
    • One paper critiquing session: 1 hour
    • All sessions to have emphasis on local skills
    • NB: Entry strictly restricted to Registered Applicants
  • Format for PG Clinics program (during national conference of IASG) (Final program of the PG Clinics would be decided by the Education Committee and the Organizing Secretary of the IASGCON, each year)

    Duration: Daily morning, 1.5 hours for 4 days


    • All M. Ch / DNB GI Surgery students, preferably exam going. However, a center chief may prefer to send sophomores each year.
    • All Bursary applicants are eligible
    • Number of places: No limit
    • Last date: Please check the home page scroller

    Application Process:

    • Should apply after the announcement of PG Clinics Program and before the last date
    • Should apply in the application form downloadable at IASG Website.
    • Must submit an abstract for IASGCON.
    • Have to register for the conference and to be booked for the PG clinics program.
    • No financial support will be provided.

    Program Outline:

    • Case discussions, ward rounds
    • Some should be video presentations or virtual case scenarios, so that discussion can progress beyond history.
    • Entry strictly restricted to Registered Applicants.

    Mandatory - Scanned electronic copies of the applications must be sent by mail to:
    iasgabstracts@gmail.com; iasgbursary@gmail.com;
    Last Date: As announced

    Mandatory - Caution deposit as Draft of Rs 5000/- should be sent by Speed Post/Registered post to -

    Prof. Sujoy Pal
    (Secretary of the Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology)
    Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery and Liver Transplantation
    Al India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS),
    Ansari Nagar
    New Delhi 110029

    (Please keep a copy of the Draft as well a copy of the Speed post/Registered post receipt with you)