Dear Friends,

The Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology draws strength from its energetic and dedicated members both young and old. In the past a lot of emphasis has been placed on bursaries and young investigator awards for paper presentations which we resolve to continue. At the same time it is an opportune moment for the association to look at providing support for the professional advancement of young/ middle level GI surgeons. This may be for travelling fellowships/ short term observerships in a sub-specialty related to surgical gastroenterology, details will be worked out by the newly established Education and Vanguard committee. The good work carried out previously with regard to mainstreaming GI oncology related educational activities will be carried forward and enhanced further.

There has to be a consistent investment into the process of inculcating short term training and skill development courses which would impart training in vascular suturing, biliary and pancreatic anastomotic techniques (tissue models), advanced laparoscopic skills, cadaver based multiorgan retrieval training, inraoperative ultrasound, access to a robotic training platform and integrating AI-based surgical learning. It is planned to tap the industry to support these educational initiatives in a big way.

Another area of focus has to be in the area of developing clinical practice guidelines, funding multi-institutional clinical studies and collaborative work. The Guidelines and Scientific committee will be looking at these activities in detail and put the SOPs in place.

A lot of work needs to be done to enhance the functionality of the web portal and some of the additional changes will be implemented soon. Efforts are also being made to create an educational video library, members chat forum, members log in access to update personal info, hosting webinars/ virtual meetings. The current online membership process is also being reviewed and streamlined further and the Membership committee will be looking at it in detail.

The aim of this association is to further the interests of the specialty of surgical gastroenterology in this country and foster positive inter association linkages with national and international academic societies with similar focus. It is important that we take a focused look at beneficially restructuring the existing linkages and also try and build new ones.

Making IASG dynamic, united, educationally and professionally beneficial to its members at large without prejudice or favour is going to be my mantra! Towards this end I solicit every member’s cooperation and whole hearted engagement.

Dr Sujoy Pal
Secretary, Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology